Community Health Needs Assessment & ALICE Data

Data Driven Decisions

By using the data we collect to take strategic action and uncover root causes of inequality, we can do the most good for the most people, and turn voices into action.

We use the qualitative and quantitative data we collect to drive the work we do, and to inform the community about local needs.


43% of Idahoans are ALICE, or Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. These individuals and families are working but struggling to make ends meet and afford basic necessities.





ALICE 43% stamp



United Way of Treasure Valley joined Western Idaho Community Health Collaborative (WICHC), Central District Health, Saint Alphonsus, Saint Luke’s, Intermountain Health System and Saltzer Health, Southwest District Health, and Weiser Memorial Hospital in an unprecedented collaboration to support the first region-wide Treasure Valley Community Health Needs Assessment in 2023. Like our previous support of Community Assessments, this report was conducted to help identify and better understand the most significant challenges facing our communities. Information gathered from this effort is used to guide alignment of resources and implementation of needs-driven, evidenced-based solutions.

In partnership with our regional partners of the Community Health Needs Assessment, we have launched a new interactive data dashboard highlighting both CHNA data and external data sources. To learn more about community health data for our region please visit the Idaho Oregon Community Health Atlas.

The Idaho Oregon Community Health Atlas allows residents, community organizations, policymakers, researchers and public health stakeholders to access and use data to understand health disparities and drive change regardless of their data science experience.

The tool publishes data about hundreds of indicators in every Complete Atlas Region community, and makes that data available in maps, charts, tables, and more. There are many ways to explore the data, but the easiest is to search for any indicator or place, in the site-wide search bar at the top of any page.

Idaho Oregon Community Health Atlas


Start exploring Places, Indicators, Maps, Charts, Download Data, or perform Site-Wide searches now!

For interactive maps (by county or by region) click here.

Or click on any county below to access its dedicated section.

Label past reports
Click the corresponding image to open it.

2020 CA report


Link to report


Link to report



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