Volunteering at United Way

Welcome to Volunteering!

We all know volunteering is a good idea, but did you know there are many proven benefits to volunteering?



  • Builds stronger communities
  • Helps us explore career opportunities
  • Gives us a sense of satisfaction and purpose

Volunteering with United Way

United Way of Treasure Valley has several community volunteer opportunities throughout the year, including our don’t miss Children’s Book Drive and Holiday Helper events! To stay up-to-date on our upcoming events, sign up for our newsletter.

Aside from our big events, we believe in bringing together the community and matching volunteers with the needs of the Treasure Valley. We’re not a direct service non-profit, but we try to forge connections and partnerships whenever possible. For more information, please email us at: volunteer@unitedwaytv.org.

Women United

Women United of Treasure Valley is a COMMUNITY who are leading the charge and inspiring the change for the benefit of youth and families in our region! Learn more about our volunteer opportunities, events and more!