We LOVE great news for local children and families!

Marsing School District opens new community school to address student, family needs
At a time of year focused on showing others how much we love and care about them, what could be more lovely that showing an entire community how much they are loved? That’s what the launch of the Community School Strategy has done for the small community of Marsing, Idaho.
It's joyful to see the positive news by the Idaho Press Tribune who dedicated a full cover page to announcing and chronicling the launch of the Community School Strategy in the rural town of Marsing, Idaho. 
United Way of Treasure Valley first introduced the community school strategy to local educators, community and business leaders and children’s advocates a number of years ago. The idea and implementation has grown rapidly because the strategy focuses on student success first and recognizes that success in the classroom is tied to life beyond the classroom. As Marsing Superintendent Norm Stewart says “The (lack of resources) creates barriers for our families, which in turn, create barriers for our kids, because if our kids are worried about food insecurities or other issues that are going on at home, then they can’t focus on what we are trying to teach them in the classrooms.”    
There is room for many community partners in this strategy. Weaving an intentional and community appropriate web of health, education, financial stability programs and resources is at the heart of the Community School Strategy. There is much you can do to be part of this growing success strategy. Contact United Way of Treasure Valley, raise your hand, make a financial gift and use your voice to share and advocate for 21st century solutions to our most challenging community needs.