ALICE in Focus - Children's Report

To help us do the most good for the most people, we rely on data to drive our decision-making. United for ALICE is a body of data that helps build understanding around the impact of financial hardship across various regions and states. This information is used to inspire action to improve the lives of ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) and in turn, entire communities. ALICE individuals often explain their experience as ‘having too much, but not enough’ with financial resources that are too much to qualify for public assistance yet not enough to meet basic needs.

A 2022 ALICE in Focus report highlights the consequences ALICE children in Idaho face as a result of the financial constraints that keep families from being able to afford the basic essentials. 

45% of all children in Idaho live in ALICE households resulting in kids experiencing instability in areas such as:

  • Housing - leading to stressful moves and uprooted support systems
  • Education – impacting school readiness and success
  • Healthcare – affecting overall wellness
  • Food – leaving families unsure of where their next meals will come from

Lacking these resources and others leads to concerns that impact the overall well-being of our communities.

The good news is that when we use this data to make informed decisions– we can help create lasting change!

Through community collaborations, investments, and advocacy we respond to this data by supporting efforts such as programs to keep families stably housed, expanding the community school strategy, promoting access to available community resources, and investing community donations in local programs that impact education, health, and financial stability for those most in need in the Treasure Valley.

You can stay up to date with ALICE data and more here on our website.